Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

Car Reviews Nissan GT-R Nismo 2014

Car Reviews Nissan GT-R Nismo 2014
Nissan really serious in producing a race car Nissan GT – R supercar the which is the best performing in the automotive world for use in daily life, this time Cartomotif.com will give some Car Reviews the Nissan GT – R Nismo 2014 latest official were released by the Company Nissan. Car Reviews Nissan GT-R Nismo 2014
Nissan devote all racing experience over several decades of time to build a Car Nissan GT – R Nismo , Nissan’s motorsport specialist . Nissan GT – R Nismo built by adapting styles exclusive to a race car , the Nissan GT – R Nismo comes bebebrapa 2014 race car technology that will provide improved permorma by optimizing aerodynamics , suspension and engine that would make the Nissan GT – R 2014 will run stable , both on the road and track .

2014 Best Cars Under 20000

2014 Best Cars Under 20000
With more and more new cars and after the turn of the year 2014 , this time will provide information about the cartomotif.com , 2014 Best Cars Under 20000, we have selected a few cars and finally elected three cars can be the best option for you . 2014 Best Cars Under 20000

2014 Best Cars Under 20000

2014 Best Cars Under 20000 Toyota Prius
in the first place is the 2014 Toyota Prius .
made cars Japanese car company ranks first for exterior and interior design of assured quality and equipped with advanced technology from toyota , 2014 Best Cars Under 20000 , 2014 Toyota Prius , priced at $ 19.800 USD .

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013


simulator alat-alat jaringan Cisco yang sering digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran dan pelatihan, dan juga dalam bidang penelitian simulasi jaringan komputer. Program ini dibuat oleh Cisco Systems


OSI adalah model yang mendefinisikan standar untuk menghubungkan komputer-komputer dari vendor-vendor yang berbeda
osi layer terdiri dari 7 layer yaitu:

- Layer : Application
- Layer : Presentation
- Layer : Session
- Layer : Transport
- Layer : Network
- Layer : Data-link
Physical connections
- Layer : Physical
Physical connections

dan ini adalah fungsi fungsi dari masing-masing 7 layer osi tersebut: 

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Manfaat jaringan lokal dan internet

1.       Kita dapatsalingberbagi File dan data denganmudahdanpraktis.
2.       Menghematwaktudanbiayauntuk sharing File denganjaringan Peer to Peer.
3.       Biaya yang murahdantiap computer bias menjadi server.
4.       Kita dapatmencetakdaribanyak computer hanyadengan 1 printer denganSharing printer.
Denganbegituakanlebihhemat printer di bandingkandengan computer yang Stand alone/ yang tidakterhubungdengan computer lain.
5.       KeamananLebihterjaminjikamenggunakanjaringan Client Server.

Langkah langkah sharing printer

-Buka Control panel-pilih network dan internet dan lanjutkan dengan klik network and    sharing  center